Saturday, February 05, 2005


we mostly shopped here

had a HUGE and good bratwurst for lunch

1 Euro = 1.5 Swiss Franc = 2 SGD

other than that
we bought shitload of chocolates
and decimated the candy store's supply of caramel
(not that it is incredibly tasty
but Manu said it's their specialty)

we walked ard a bit
had to be here jst becos it's Switzerland i guess. lol

stupid girl kept gaping at the shopping shites

saw a nice fountain by Tinguely
some dude who like to design fountains from scrap parts
quite cool

took a auto ferry across the river for less than 2 Francs

what else?
cannot really recall

only that we went back for a really good meal at a traditional Alsacian restaurant
(Manu's favourite)

the meal was great
and his parents treated us!!!! ^^
i bet it was darn expensive

i think i had veal
and kerbie had the steak
her fren had cannard (duck)

there was plenty to drink
and food to go ard

some flaming dessert "pizza"
typical Alsacian as we were told

aft that
we went back to prepare for the nxt day
a BEEG day it was

but not before we go to Manu's fren's for some unspeakable fun :X

Manu was really darn funny on the way there
winding down the window, screaming
dancing at the red light IN FRONT OF OUR CAR!!!!
(yes. he exited.
he also danced in the nite train lugguage car. lol)

i was choking even before i started the nite nite...

i slept well that nite


kerbie woke up w vvvvvv bad asthma =(
mst be the cat, dog and smoke the nite last

she cldn't hit the slope
but cos she dun wanna disappt the stupid fren
she had to
and wasted 32.40 EURO jst to find out that the idiot ger is a gutless chicken too

ended up i had to hang ard too..

she picked herslf up later
but as we were abt to start skiing
Manu and Emilie returned
cos the slopes were closing

we thn went to the confectionery
where they make sweets
and show us the entrie process!!!!
it was pretty cool
tho the mint was pretty piercing

dinner was a painful affair
as we were all hungry
but NO restaurants were opened
they are all closed for winter
cos they've earned enuff during summer(?)

we finally found a nice farm auberge
a title that only establishments that raise and grow their own livestock and plants and use them in their food can call themselves
auberge simply means a place to eat and rest
and farm dictates jst that

Manu said these pple are sometimes wonky
cos they spend their entire lives working in the place
cooking, washing, laundry, farm.... day in day out

true enuff
the lady was pretty weird
she kept looking at us
(Manu said we mst be the first chinese she had ever seen in her life! lol)

after the meal
she asked if we were reviewers from the lonely planet.... lol
to which Manu had a great reply
"whether we are or not
is not an issue
cos ur food and service are really great"

i'ld hv nv tot of somethg as nice as that!!!!

we had an orgy
a cold cut of meat
a roasted cut of meat
(very) smelly cheese + potato
bratwurst + potato
2 X omelette
Alsacian beer
and more smelly cheese + bread!!!!
(it really smelt like salted fish or my sock
but i guess i am a cheese person
so it's all good)
(("a cheese person" as in i like cheese but i am not a cheese expert tho))

we went back and concussed

Ski II

kerbie and the fren slept in
my angel cos of her asthma
the other cos she is spoilt and idiotic

i had a great time skiing!!!!

Manu made me do some warm up
(my first ever!!!!)
and we hit the RED slopes immediately. lol

aft that
he told me
"u hv jst clred the toughest slope in these mountains
now we can go anywhere"


i fell but once this whole trip
but also cos i skiied little

we had a great meal in the Auberge mid-mountain
some traditional french food
7.60 Euro for the meat loaf and potato
2.90 Euro for the beer
(yes. i drank while i was skiing!!!)

the last part of the trip was quite tense
cos Manu and Emilie got into a fight
and Manu was pretty mean
thn again
perhaps she's used to it
cos he uses the word "stupid" pretty often
and liberally

but i cannot imagine myslf getting away w it on angela
under no circumstances
even cartoon i also kana jialat jialat liao

we hurriedly went back for our rabbits...
but not before picking up the gers who had a 3 hr lunch

we had a great dinner
tho i bet Manu's mum mst hv tot we din enjoy the rabbit
strangely enuff
i was pretty full that nite
tho i cld use more boneless meat. lol

Jean-Luc(?) brought a LOT of cheese for us to try
goat and cow
in all shapes and sizes too!!!
one even in the shape of a human breast!!!!

we had wine of cos ;)

so much food
such GREAT times!!!

the next morning was when idiot ger got us into trouble
read: gave me even more problems than she alrdy was giving


stupid stupid ger

lemme reiterate

the stupidest
most conceit
anal shithead in the world....


why the hell did i even let her on in the first place? =(

i bet she is stl:
1) living in oblivion or denial whatever the fark she did wrong
2) think that it's her divine right cos she is rich to screw my ONCE IN A LIFETIME, DREAM HOLIDAY

not to mention waste shitload of my money...

i jst realised i shld hv screwed her for my tickets
i figure i lost 200 USD on them cos of her

to which kerbie said
nobody wld hv known

nobody wld
but all signs pointed to trouble since day 1


if i cld
i wld spit on her


the nxt day
we were snowed in
snow arrived 2 days too late!!!!
but gd also
as jiejie pointed out
otherwise we wld hv been snowed in
and not be able to ski at all....

we were unable to go to Strasbourg (capital of Alsace) as planned
and spent the whole day sitting ard
in the evening
Manu and Emilie sent us to the train station
where we set off for Salzburg
the city of Mozart....

YIPEEE>> idiot ger was left behind
cos she cannot take the ruggedness of backpacking anymore
getting her prissy butt back

but as i mentioned,
not before screwing us up big time >(

the trip henceforth was so much more enjoyable
cos i nonid to pretend everyday
and control myslf

it was jst me and my babie
it was all gd

what babie wants
babie gets

idiot ger wun hv this privilege

but i feel sorry for Manu
cos idiot ger really gave him a lot of trouble
making him drive her into Switzerland despite the conditions
she really cannot take hints!!!!!
always making things difficult for pple

who the hell she think she is?

but we dumped her for good



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